Public Service

by Seth Rosenman


I will tie the world’s serpents in knots, re-claw your friend’s cat, take him for walks
     along Main,
replace cigarettes in black and white movies with organic lollipops,
replace the world’s Cokes with green tea,
make reading the works of the Axial Age as cool as smoking,
     the Air Force need to bomb the Pearl Delta to hold a bake sale,
teach the poor to stir stagnant pools to solve malaria and generate electricity,
     to read,
ban health reports with stock footage on local news, chewing gum in the Baha’i Gardens,
steal all of the Air Force’s pies, throw them at people wearing fur,
leave your daughters as honorably as possible,
stop sleeping in your Stetson, leaving it on the bed, peeing on your rug,
ship better Chipwiches to Tel Afar,
distribute condoms to teenagers, needles to junkies, second chances to bankers,
untie the serpents, the grain at the port, pivot our forces from the Mid- to the Far-East
     to places with names loved by Neruda.
Let me in, I’m trying to help.


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Seth Rosenman lives in the Philadelphia area. He has taught high school English in the city and the English language in China. He currently does a little bit of this and hopes to move on to some of that. His poems have appeared in Change Seven, Brush Talks, Fleas on the Dog, and elsewhere.