Three Poems

by John Grey


A New Discovery

It's a small planet,
the size of Earth's moon,
airless, lifeless,
a speck in a distant solar system,
a worthless chunk of rock.
With all the small, airless,
lifeless, worthless, bureaucrats
in the space mission's administration,
we will have such a fun time
naming it.


The Molecule-Size Invaders from the Planet Throom

when last observed
were colonizing
the yellow anther
of an Asiatic dayflower
in that smelly wasteland
town dump
and woods


The Last of the USS Millar Fillmore

crossing the event horizon,
approaching an area
of gravitational acceleration
so powerful
that nothing can escape from it
not even light

the ship's computers
make a mean cafe mocha
but navigation's not their strong point


John Grey is an Australian poet, US resident. Recently published in That, Dalhousie Review, Thin Air and North Dakota Quarterly with work upcoming in Qwerty, Chronogram and failbetter.