Two Poems
by Tim Staley
I’d Like to Teach the (Tone-Deaf) World to Sing
My dyslexia’s flaring up
Being constantly reminded
of my country’s divides
is not why I have internet
I’m a friend of perforation
She was the first woman to go home unconjugated
after a conjugal visit
A wet spot on the bed is technically sexy
unless something unsexy spilled
like ammonia or banana juice
Only the luckiest puddles
get to stand up to evaporation
Thank God gunshots carry
otherwise one kind of war
could have snuck up
from the other side of the house
And please do give my regards
to that brutish, hard-working crew
tending the necropolis of our love
Care to crunch the numbers?
½ the world’s an idiot and always will be
½ this house too
it’s the basic action of the universe
Just by breathing
crossroads have you by the throat—
a fly without a wing knows
Raindrops drowsing on purple flowers?!
make it stop!
And it’s true, maybe, I haven’t always been
the greatest at every little thing
according to you
in this one particular life
New Porno Categories
Asian/Lower Alabama mix with mothers
whose middle names start with G, L or S
3 minutes before a hurricane
In a satellite launching facility
with the rocket partially visible
through at least one window
Ginger with master’s degree in liberal arts
with one deceased parent and no siblings
In a slowly-filling swamp at dawn
Safe for work in the time of the Buddha
In a sensory deprivation tank in West Texas
during a partial eclipse
Amateur—in spelling only
On a bocce court while old Hungarian men
with names like Kiki talk about their fathers
with names like Pistol who died
unpeacefully in their sleep
In a kayak on a display rack
in Dick’s Sporting Goods
in the imagination of a Gila monster
dressed up as a red blood cell
underwater and surrounded
by sea cows
Tim Staley was born in Montgomery, Alabama, in 1975. He completed a Poetry MFA from New Mexico State University in 2004. He's served as publisher of Grandma Moses Press since 1992. His debut full-length poetry collection is Lost On My Own Street (Pski’s Porch Publishing, 2016). His newest chapbook, The Most Honest Syllable Is Shhh, is forthcoming from Night Ballet Press. He lives with his wife, daughter and two mutts in Las Cruces, New Mexico. His hobbies include thinking, nachos and waiting. Find him online at